- Vessels must be 26 feet or less in length, except pontoon boats which may be no greater than 30 feet.
- Personal Watercraft are restricted from use between 11 AM and 4 PM on the Saturday, Sunday, and holiday of Memorial Day Weekend and Saturdays, Sundays, and State Holidays from July 1st through Labor Day.
- Personal Watercraft shall not be operated in excess of six knots with 100’ of another vessel, the shore, a bridge, a dock, or person in the water.
- Personal Watercraft operators must be 16 years of age and possess a boating safety certificate.
- Personal Watercraft operators and passengers must wear an approved personal flotation device.
- Vessels shall not be operated in excess of minimum wake speed within 100’ of the shoreline, except to begin towing a skier from a pier or shore (vessel must immediately leave the 100’ area).
- Proper navigation lights are required after sunset (rental boats also require navigation lights after sunset).
- Vessels towing a skier must remain 100’ from all other vessels, the shore, a bridge, a dock, or person in the water. Towlines must be no longer than 75’. Additionally, an observer above 12 years of age must be on board the vessel.
- Individuals being towed on any device must wear a personal flotation device.
- There shall be an approved personal flotation device on board and readily accessible for each person on board a vessel. All children under age thirteen (13) on a vessel under 21’